Tuesday, November 2, 2010

how to stockpile

for me stockpiling is a learning process. i've bought things that went bad and bought things we'd never tried and found we didn't like but overall it is saving me money and what is more valuable to me TIME. i LOVE not having to worry about whether i have anything for dinner or being frustrated when i run out of deodorant or wipes. this one technique has saved me more than any other! so enjoy :)

here are some stockpiling tips from a wonderful blog called happyhomemakercindy.com
The key is to never pay full price for anything unless you have to. This is why coupon queens are so into stocking up. They do not wait until they need the item to buy it. If you wait until you need it most of the time you will have to pay full price for that item. For example If you would have bought that item when it was on sale last week even though you had some already. You could have saved a few dollars this week on that item you just paid full price for. This is really hard for most people to do. But I can tell you from my experience you can save hundreds or in my case thousands of dollars a year if you do this correctly.
Stock UP
  • Set a stockpile budget. I have a set amount of money each week I use for stock up items.
  • Follow the sale cycles. Most of the time cycles come around about every 12 weeks. It is a really good idea to make a price book to help you keep track of the lowest price.
  • Buy items you use when it is at it’s lowest price and match it with a coupon if you have one. “When things that my family uses all the time goes on sale I don’t just buy one item. I will buy as much as I can with out going over budget. This has been the key to my success in lowering my grocery budget.
  • Don’t buy more than you will use before it will expire. Waste does not save money. It can be really tempting to keep buying great deals but if you throw away those good deals it is the same as throwing money away.
  • If your family will not use it or eat it. Do not buy it just because it is a good deal. (Unless you plan to donate the item.)
  • Do not hoard use your stock pile. Your stockpile is not just to look at. It is for you to use.
  • First in first out (FIFO). Rotate your stockpile just like a store does. This will help you to use the items that will expire the soonest first.
Know when to stock up
  • 25% off -Buy if you need the item.
  • 50% off- Buy enough for 3-6 months
  • 75% off or higher – buy enough for 6 months or more as long as you will use it before it will expire.
*Give to those in need. If you have more than you can use give to your local church or Food Bank. This is a good way to give to others without costing you much money.

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