Wednesday, October 27, 2010

this is my coupon system

this is my coupon organizing system. this is where i store my coupons and it also allows me to take them with me to the store and find ones i need without to much trouble

i have two coupon accordion folders from walmart that i've paper clipped together back to back.
on the once side i have all my food-type items. produce, freezer/fridge, condiments/snacks, canned/soups, drinks, baking, cereal, rice, pasta, yogurt, dairy, and meat. the only problem so far is my freezer fridge section is HUGE so i have that further organized with paper clips into vegatables, premade, desserts, and dinners. 

 the other side has everything else! household cleaning, stinky stuff (airfresheners) container& stuff (also things like foil), games and batterys, shampoo/lotions, razors/personal, soap/detergent, dental, meds/1st aid, pets, diapers, and misc.
 another pic of the ghetto way i'm holding them together. hey its working though!
 before i go to the store i write my list and pull coupons i think i'll use.
 they get paper-clipped together and put in the front pouch on the food side. the front pouch on the stuff side holds coupons expiring this week which i also browse before going to the store.
 this is an example of layering coupons with sales to get good food for CHEAP!! the green circle is the total before sales and coupons. i bought 5 boxes of multigrain cherios (our fav) $19.45. then the yellow is my total after sales and coupons. $3.43. the orangy-red is the money i saved with my obsession with couponing. $16.20.