Sunday, October 31, 2010

how to jump into couponing

i started "couponing" in may on this year and honestly the reason i waited til then was pride. i was embarrassed to hand coupons to the cashier because i felt like they would think i was poor and i have a real attitude about living hand to mouth. IE i refuse to do it because i'm a tither and a giver and all my needs are met (more on that later) i thought that couponing meant buying cheap food cheaper and that because we were blessed we didn't need to do that. we bought special treats at the grocery store and  if we wanted something bad enough we bought it regardless of whether we could really afford it. i thought i was to good to be one of "those people" that i saw haggling with cashiers and gripping dozens of papers in their hands. what weirdos. really.
 in april i was praying about being a better steward with what God has given us. i was frustrated because it seemed like as much as i budgeted and planned we spent a ridiculous amount every month on stuff. stuff we ate or pooped in or in some way consumed way to fast. so i was asking God what i was doing wrong and i started to be convicted about things.  junk food was the first to go. then heavenly food like ice cream. then fattening food like fried anything. but we were spending the same or more. God started to show me how much i was spending on things that didn't matter and how much i could save by learning how to buy smarter. by that i mean instead of buying a jumbo pack of paper towels every other week i could spend half that once and buy cheap washcloths to clean faces and surfaces. instead of feeling the need to have a 3 course meal prepared every night for dinner if i let us eat cereal even once a week for dinner then we could start saving big money. if we ate homemade muffins or scones and fruit for breakfast instead of cereal than that could save me $8 a week. wow... and if i started buying things with coupons... wouldn't that save money too? the first time i bought anything with coupons i was so embarrassed when i handed them over. then  i was so proud when i paid about $10 cheaper than normal for our groceries. since then i've been able to cut our grocery and household cost in HALF and REPLACE my income from last year. we buy name brand not generic and i've been able to feed my family healthier foods and treat them and myself all kinds of things we couldn't afford last year. i've made alot of mistakes and keep making them and learning. i've doubtlessly cost us some money learning the ins and outs of couponing but i'm going to tell you what i've learned and my successes. you can do this too. pinky swear.
  1. save coupons - if you are only clipping or printing coupons for things you already buy and then using them the next time you buy it YOU ARE NOT WINNING in this money game. obviously if you don't have children or pets then you won't be using coupons for those items but if you're tossing coupons because they aren't the brand you currently use then you are missing out! be organized with your storage or even just label the weekly inserts with dates and store them unclipped. whatever your method horde coupons for the best rewards.
  2. explore multiple sources for coupons - newspapers aren't the only place to get coupons. look on web sites and blogs :) some of my favorites
          also look for coupons in stores. some products will have "peelies" which is a coupon stuck to the front of the package. and "blinkies" which are the tear pads and/or machines in the aisle that dispense them. "catalinas" are coupons printed at the register. magazines can have coupons in them as well. the most popular magazine that normally has over $100 of coupons per issue is All You. my subscription  for one year was more than paid for with the money i saved due to coupons in the first issue. just saying. works for me.
     4.  stockpile - when i first heard of this i was reminded of the year 2000 scare many people who were
 reasonable intelligent citezens became spooked and 'stockpiled' food. i'm NOT saying you need to
 have 3 years of food on hand at all times. stockpiling to SAVE is not that at all. you simply will be buying things on sale not at full price. all those coupons you're now saving will you save you some money when just used on full price items BUT if you pair it with a sale. wow. magic happens. instead of just saving $0.50 on something you can save 75% or more per item. :) for example: if you use a $1 coupon on a box of cereal priced at $3.89 then you could save a buck! and good job thats a great start! BUT if you get that cereal on SALE  for 2/$4 and use that $1 coupon than you could get cereal for $1 a box! if you learn to stack coupons which we'll talk about in a late post you could get it for less than a dollar. you favorite name brand cereal for less than a dollar a box tastes better i swear. soo when you can get it for so ridiculously cheap it makes sense to buy a couple months worth so you can last til the next time you can get it that cheap so you never have to pay almost $4 a box. and believe me once you find out how little you can pay for things you love it'll grate on you when you have to spend more for them. you'll also be saving money on your weekly trip when you don't buy those products you've already stockpiled. you won't you have to run to the store to get sundry ingredients as often because you'll have a few meals (at least) on hand at all times. i currently have 7 bags of cheese and 14 boxes of cream cheese (i love cheesecake) in my freezer. i have 12 boxes of cereal.  i have countless boxes of pasta and cans of soup. there's alot more safely stored and all that food has been bought at 80% or more off retail there's always something for dinner.i'm looking to do this for things like toilet paper and cleaners too.
       5. planning - finally check all your local stores sales each week. while that sounds like a time consuming task with the store deals i will be posting each week you'll save time and money. you'll find those deals that work best for you and you'll be saving mulah. last week i spent 3.5 hours couponing total (that includes working on deals for ya'll and blogging) and saved $84. i saved $24 an hour :) call me hooked.

you can do this i promise! if i've left anything out or if you have questions just ask. while i know i'm not an expert in any stretch of the imagination i am obsessed so if i don't know the answer i will try my hardest to find out!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

how do i start couponing? i want in!!

this evening i will be telling you all my secrets and showing you how i got 2 packs of diapers for FREE today
Starting TOMORROW (10/30), Team Coco will be offering 1,000 FREE Team Conan O'Brien T-Shirts per day for the next 10 days when you follow @TeamCoco (Twitter follow NOT required for t-shirt!) then be on the look out for a tweet with a special code AND link. When the tweet is posted, click the link and enter the code as quickly as possible.

A new t-shirt will be offered everyday so these will go SUPER fast... so be ready!

free or cheap mp3 music downloads from amazon :)

i LOVE free music and amazon has plenty! this week you can use coupon code STUDENT3 and enter the code here for a FREE $3 credit
you can use on any music. there are songs priced at .99 so you could grab 3 of those here at there Bestsellers list OR grab Taylor Swift's new cd Speak Now for .99 after coupon code!   

interested in more?
songs for free on Amazon
albums for free on Amazon


*i'm getting christmas music*

Thursday, October 28, 2010

confessions and SCORE :)

 so i have a confession.
i always look up the rite aid deals and i occasionally drool over the great finds. but i don't go to rite aid very often *ever*. i walk in to grab the weekly ad and rebate flier and then blow rite aid off for the library. every week. but today when i walked into the store to grab my weekly ad (i normally find them and do the match-up based on the online ad but i find that mistakes do happen and its best to look at the physical copy as well) i saw the huge racks of candy for the unmentioned holiday this weekend and i was boadsided by the overwhelming desire to buy mark resees. or maybe buy myself reeses. potato potaato. my stomach teamed up with my tastebuds and reminded me that the baby would need diapers soon so i might as well. and i had bragged to mark that i was going to wait til the last week in oct to buy candy because i wanted to see if i could get a really good deal and i figured by waiting i could collect an army of candy coupons which i had done not really intending to use them. o and Jesus needed candy to give the kids at church on sunday. he really did. and since i now had a calling from on high i didn't stop at the paper stand up front but just waltzed my way in and got a kart. and a basket. and another basket. just to be safe. (in my defense the baby's carseat filled the kart) so i went to the diapers first just and got huggies on sale for $8.99 (reg 12.49) and i had $6 in coupons for it so i was already pretty happy (did i mention it was a jumbo pack?) and then... i walked back up to the candy. where from looking at the weekly ad i decided to get 10 bags. seriously. there were fun size bags on sale for $2.50 (reg 3.99) a bag BUT if you spent $25 in candy you got a $10 UP reward.. and i had coupons for the candy! $6.50 in coupons to be exact :) so i went back and got a second pack of diapers (all this saving was worth celebrating after all) and made my proud way up the front. on the way i picked up nail polish and lip gloss because i had a BOGO (buy one get one) coupon and it was on sale BOGO soo i was essentially paying 50% on one product and getting two and you can never have to many beauty products in my opinion. i checked out in two transactions. the first was all candy and then i used the $10 UP on my second transaction of diapers and makeup. so i spent $14.53 and got $10 back and then used that to bring my second total  from $14.98 down to $4.98 :) 

i bought all this for $19.51 and THEN i got $6 back in UP rewards to use on my next  purchase. so its like paying $13.51 for 2 jumbo packs of huggies, 10 bags of candy, one lip gloss and one nail polish. i freaking LOVE rite aid.

40% off at borders

40% off one item at borders through monday nov 1st. only good in store sadly. find it HERE

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

free baby sling just pay shipping!!!

i just got a purple one for mae and i :) it cost me 15 buckaroos but thats extremely cheap!!!

this is my coupon system

this is my coupon organizing system. this is where i store my coupons and it also allows me to take them with me to the store and find ones i need without to much trouble

i have two coupon accordion folders from walmart that i've paper clipped together back to back.
on the once side i have all my food-type items. produce, freezer/fridge, condiments/snacks, canned/soups, drinks, baking, cereal, rice, pasta, yogurt, dairy, and meat. the only problem so far is my freezer fridge section is HUGE so i have that further organized with paper clips into vegatables, premade, desserts, and dinners. 

 the other side has everything else! household cleaning, stinky stuff (airfresheners) container& stuff (also things like foil), games and batterys, shampoo/lotions, razors/personal, soap/detergent, dental, meds/1st aid, pets, diapers, and misc.
 another pic of the ghetto way i'm holding them together. hey its working though!
 before i go to the store i write my list and pull coupons i think i'll use.
 they get paper-clipped together and put in the front pouch on the food side. the front pouch on the stuff side holds coupons expiring this week which i also browse before going to the store.
 this is an example of layering coupons with sales to get good food for CHEAP!! the green circle is the total before sales and coupons. i bought 5 boxes of multigrain cherios (our fav) $19.45. then the yellow is my total after sales and coupons. $3.43. the orangy-red is the money i saved with my obsession with couponing. $16.20.

Food Lion 10/27-11/2

another slow week at FL
Ground Chuck $1.97 lb

Boneless Pork Loin $1.97 lb

Whole Smoked Pork Picnics $1.49 lb

Fresh Chicken Leq Quarters $0.59 lb

Smithfield Ham Shanks 8 oz $2.50
$1/1 coupon from November All You Magazine
Final Cost: $1.50

Seedless Red Grapes $0.99 lb

Hamburger Helper $0.88
$1/4 coupon from 10/17 SS
$0.75/3 printable
Final Cost: $0.63 each

Coke Products 2 liter $0.99

Tombstone Pizza $3.33

Campbell's Chunky Soup $1.25
$1/4 coupon from 10/10 SS
$1/2 coupon from 10/10 SS
Final Cost: as low as $0.75 each wyb 2

Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $2.79 BOGO
$0.50/2 here or here
$0.50/2 coupon from 9/12 or 10/3 SS
$1/3 coupon from 9/12 SS or here
Final Cost: $1.14 each wyb 2 or $1.06 wyb 3

Sun Maid Raisins Mini or 6 pack $2.39 BOGO

Pillsbury Cake Mix $0.89

Buy 1 of each and receive free Food Lion Tortilla Chips:
Rotel Diced Tomatoes $1
Buy 2 Get 1 Free coupon from September All You Magazine
$1/4 coupon from November All You Magazine
Velveeta Cheese 16 oz $2.99

Farm Rich Value Pack Snacks 30 oz $7.49 BOGO
$2/1 coupon from 8/29 SS
$0.75/1 coupon from 8/29 SS or here
Final Cost: as low as $1.74

SeaPak Shrimp $7.99 BOGO
$1/1 coupon from 10/3 SS
$1/2 printable
Final Cost: as low as $2.99

Hungry Man XXL Dinners $4.99 BOGO
$2/1 printable
Final Cost: $0.49

Pillsbury Toaster Strudel $2
$0.35/1 coupon from 9/12 SS
$0.50/2 coupon from 10/3 SS, here or here
Final Cost: as low as $1.65

Hefty Kitchen or Trash Bags $5.99
$1/1 printable
Final Cost: $4.99

Sparkle Paper Towels 8 rolls $4.99

Angel Soft Bath Tissue 12 double or 24 regular rolls $4.99
$1/1 printable (zip 10011)
$1/2 coupon from 9/19 RP
$0.50/1 coupon from 9/19 RP
Final Cost: as low as $3.99

Arm and Hammer Detergent 50 oz $4.99 BOGO
$1/1 printable (power gel)
$1/2 printable
Final Cost: as low as $1.49

Farm Fresh deals 10/27 - 11/2 (omg its almost nov!)

Dollar coupon final prices assume shopping on Wednesday, add $1 Thurs-Tues

Chuck Beef Roast $1.98 lb
Pork Spare Ribs $1.98
Red Globe Grapes $0.99 lb
Super cucumbers 3/$1
Beefsteak Tomatoes $1 lb
Red or Golden Delicious Apples $1 lb

Hershey's ( 11oz) and Nestle Candy (10-12.8oz) $2.50
Use $1/2 Hershey's from 10/17 SS insert
Use $1/3 Hershey's printable HERE
Use $1/2 Nestle from 10/17 RP insert and HERE
Final: 2/$3 or $1.50 each

Edy's Ice Cream $2.50
Use $1/2 from November All You
Final: 2/$3 or $1.50 each

Tyson Bagged or Breaded Chicken $6.99
Use $1/1 from 08/15 and 10/10 SS inserts
Final: $4.99 each

Tony's Pizza $1.25
Use $1/2 printable HERE
Final: 2/$50 or $0.25 each

Rosetto Frozen Pasta $3.99
Use $1/1 from 10/03 SS insert (I didn't get)
Final: $1.99 each

Northland Cranberry Juice blends $2.49
Use $1/2 from 09/26 SS insert
Final: 2/$2.98

Wholly Guacamole B1G1 (reg price $2.99)
Use $1/1 from 10/10 SS insert
Final: Get 2 FREE

Pillsbury Savorings $3.99
Use $1/1 from 10/03 GM insert and HERE
Final: $1.99 each

Libby's Canned Veggies $0.69
Use $1/3 from 08/29 RP insert and Parade Magazine
Final: 3/$0.07!!!

College Inn Broth (32oz) $2
Use $1/3 from 09/19 RP insert
Final: 3/$4 or $1.33 each

Aleve $5.49
Use $1/1 from 10/24 RP insert and HERE
Final: $3.49 each

Colgate Wave Toothbrush $1.99
Use $1/1 printable HERE

Air Wick Aqua Mist $2.50
Use $1/1 from 09/19 SS insert
Final: $0.50 each

Xtra Laundry Detergent $1.99
Use $1/2 from 10/17 SS insert
Final: 2/$1.98

Alka-Seltzer $4.99
Use $1/1 from 10/24 RP insert and HERE
Use $3/1 Alka-Seltzer Plus Fast Powder Pack from 10/24 RP insert (if included)
Final: as low as $1.99 each

Kellogg's Fruit Snacks $2
Use $1/1 vocalpoint printable HERE (if you haven't printed)

Purina Friskies Cat Food $4.39
Use $1/1 from 09/12 RP insert
Final: $2.39 each

Purina Friskies Canned Cat Food $0.40
Use $1/15 from 09/12 RP insert
Final: 15/$4 or $0.27 each

Litehouse Dips or Dressing $2.50
Use $1/2 printable HERE
Use $0.75/2 from 10/03 SS insert
Final: 2/$3 or $1.50 each

Lightlife Turkey, Ham, Bologna $4.99
Use $1/1 from 09/12 SS insert and HERE
Final: $2.99 each

Energizer Batteries $5
Use $1/1 from 09/12 and 10/03 SS inserts
Final: $3 each

Marie Callender Bakes $4.99
Use $1.50/1 from 09/12 SS insert
Final: $3.49 each

Nestle Wonka mixup Candy Bag $6.99
Use $2/1 printable HERE
Final: $4.99 each

Wisk Laundry Detergent $8.99
Use $2/1 from 10/24 RP insert (I didn't get)
Final: $6.99 each

Campbell's Chunky or Select Soup $1.50
Use $1/2 Select printable HERE and HERE
Use $1/2 Chunky from 10/10 SS insert and HERE
Use $0.50/1 Chunky printable HERE
Use $0.50/2 Select from 10/03 and 10/10 SS inserts
Final: as low as 2/$1 or $0.50 each

Ball Park Franks $3.50
Use $0.75/2 from 10/24 RP insert (I didn't get)
Final: 2/$5.50 or $2.75 each

Prego Pasta Sauce $2
Use $0.75/2 from 10/03 SS insert
Final: 2/$2.50 or $1.25 each

Hillshire Farm Deli Select Lunchmeat $3.50
Use $0.55/1 printable HERE
Use $0.35/1 from 10/24 RP insert
Final: $2.40 each

Yoplait Yogurt (4pk) $2.50
Use $0.50/1 printable HERE
Use $0.50/2 from 10/03 GM insert
Final: as low as $1.50 each

Land O Lakes Butter $1.79
Use $0.50/2 from 10/24 SS insert
Final: 2/$2.58 or $1.29 each

Red Baron Singles $3.33
Use $0.75/1 from 10/24 SS insert
Final: $1.83 each

Totino's Pizza Rolls (40 ct) $3.99
Use $0.40/2 from 09/12 GM insert
Final: 2/$7.18

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese $0.89
Use $0.55/2 printable HERE (play game)
Final: 2/$0.68

Suave Deodorant $1.79
Use $0.50/1 printable HERE
Final: $0.79 each

Clorox Cleanup $3.49Use $0.35/1 from 10/03 SS insert
Use $2/2 Clorox cleaners in-ad coupon
Final: $2.79 each or 2/$4.98

Clorox Wipes $2.50
Use $0.40/1 from 10/03 SS insert
Use $2/2 in-ad coupon
Final: $1.70 each or 2/$3

Purchase 10 Participating Items, Save $5 Instantly ($0.50 off each item)

Nestle Tollhouse Morsels $1.99
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/2 printable HERE
Final: 2/$0.98 after coupon and promo

Nestle Cookie Dough $2.49
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/1 from 10/03 RP insert and HERE
FREE after coupon and promo

Nestle Juicy Juice $1.99
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/2 from 08/01 RP insert and HERE
Final: 2/$0.98

Hot Pocket Side Shots $2.39
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/1 Facebook printable
FREE after coupon and promo

Stouffers Family Size $6.49
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/1 from 09/26 SS insert
Final: $3.99 each after coupon and promo

Coffee-mate Creamer $3.49
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1.50 printable HERE
Final: $1.49 each after coupon and promo

Nabisco Waffers, Orea or Ritz $2.99
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/2 from 09/26 SS insert
Final: 2/$2.98 after coupon and promo

Select Nabisco Cookies and crackers $2.49
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/2 from 09/26 SS insert
Use $1/1 Wheat Thins Facebook printable HERE
Final: as low as FREE after coupon ands promo

Carnation Instant Breakfast Essentials $4.49
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/1 from August All You and HERE
Final: $1.99 each

Purina Beggin Strips and Dog Food  $10.49
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $1/1 from 10/24 SS insert
Final: $7.99 each after coupon and promo

Tidy Cats Scoop Litter $6.49
-$0.50 off for promo
Use $12/1 from 09/12 RP insert
Final: $3.99 each after coupon and promo

Purchase Applebee's $45 Anytime Triple Pack, Get $5 back via coupon at register

Reminder: Double $1 coupons are on Wednesday ONLY, double coupons up to and including $0.99 everyday. Limit 2 like coupons per transaction. Limit 20 coupons per person per day. B1G1 items ring at half price. Stores are no longer allowing doubles on coupons that state "Do Not Double".
Bring your reusable shopping bags for $0.05 off per bag

as i have a rediculas amount of things to do today due to a couple of my projects being sold in a local store ( :)!!!!!!) this post is from The Coupon Challenge which can be found

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

$25 Gift Certificate for Just $2!!

Through October 31, 2010 you can get a $25 gift certificate for just $2. Use coupon code TREAT at checkout.
eat out for less!

most certificates require a minimum purchase before they become valid so for example if you spend more than $35 you get the next $25 with your gift card. if you only pay $2 for that card on 
then your meal of $60 will only cost you $27 out of pocket.

Monday, October 25, 2010

candy coupon to use on after haloween sales :)

mark i'm getting this one for you!


free audio-book

free audio-book "In His Own Words" by Martin Luther

Rite Aid week of 10/24

These are the deals according to For the Mommas
I have not had time yet this week to go to our local Rite Aid to check them out but most deals are national. 
some lingo to know
UPR’s are earned when you purchase a specific item that is advertised. There will be a tag that says +UP Rewards.  example: you could get a $2.00 UPR when you buy Colgate for $2.99. UPR are able to roll.  This means if you buy a Colgate for $2.99, receive a $2.00 UPR , you can use it to purchase another Colgate at $2.99 and still get a new $2.00 UPR.  You are limited to one like UPR per transaction. If you purchase 10 toothpaste, you will only get (1) $2.00 UPR. You currently may use multiple UPR to pay for a transaction. Your total must be over the amount of the UPR before tax.  For example, if your UPR is $2.00, your total cannot be $1.99 plus tax. It must be $2.00 and then tax. UPR will not be adjusted if the price is lower. There are some restrictions on usage – no prescriptions, tobacco, prepaid cards, or any other items excluded by law. Do not confuse the UPR with the Wellness Coupons that print on the bottom of the receipt. They are $1.00/$10.00 purchases- the same rules do not apply.
Pepsi Products 3/$9.99
Get $3.00 UPR wyb 3
3 for $6.99 after UPR
Huggies Jumbo Diaper Pack $8.99
Get $2.00 UPR
use $2.00/1 Huggies Printable Coupon
or use $1.50/1 Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers printable
or use $2/1 Huggies Little Snugglers/Movers, exp. 11-13 (SS 10/17/10)
use $2.00/1 Huggies Video Values (must watch 10/23)
as low as $2.99 after coupon
Aveeno Shampoo, Conditioner or Stylers $5.99
Get $1.00 UPR

use $4/1 Aveeno Hair Care Product RA printable (must watch today 10/23)
and use $1/1 Aveeno or Aveeno Baby Product printable
Free after UPR and coupons
Nivea Happy Sensations Body Lotion $5.99
Get $5.00 UPR
use $1/1 Nivea Body Lotion Product printable
Free after coupon & UPR
Charmin or Bounty $6.99
Get $1.00 UPR
use $1.50/1 Charmin UltRite Aid Strong Bath Tissue (Rite Aid Booklet)
and use $0.25/1 Charmin Bathroom Tissue, exp. 10-31-10 (PG 09/26/10)
or use $0.25/1 Bounty Towels or Napkins, exp. 10-31-10 (PG 09/26/10)
as low as $4.24
Xtra Laundry Detergent or Nice N Fluffy 2/$4.00
Get $1.00 UPR wyb 2
use $1/2 Xtra Detergent or Fabric Softener, exp. 11-30-10 (SS 10/17/10)
$1.00 each after UPR and coupon
Click below to see all the deals….

NYC Color psa $1.99 Buy One Eye, Lip, Face, Get a free Nail Enamel
use FREE NYC Item wyb Minute Nail Polish, exp. 10-31 (ALL YOU Oct ‘10)
or use $1/1 NYC Cosmetics printable
Deal Idea:
Buy (1) NYC Cosmetics $1.99 (one face,lip or eye)
Buy (1) NYC Cosmetic $1.99
Buy (1)  NYC Minute Nail Enamel $0.00 (free)

Total: $3.98
use FREE NYC Item wyb Minute Nail Polish, exp. 10-31 (ALL YOU Oct ‘10)
use (2)  $1/1 NYC Cosmetics printable
Get $1.oo UPR
Free + overage after coupons
Get $10 UPR wyb $30 worth of Bayer Brand Products
Alka Seltzer Plus $5.00
Get $2.00 UPR
Use $3/1 Alka-Seltzer Plus Fast Powder Pack, exp. 11-30-10 (RP 10/24/10)
and use $1/1 Alka Seltzer Plus RA printable (Must watch by 10.23
Free + overage after coupon & UPR
** If you buy 6 of these, you can turn it into a $5.00 Overage with the UPR reward*
Bayer Aspirin, Bayer AM, Bayer Low Dose psa $7.99
Use $3.00/1 in ad coupon
use $1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product, exp. 1-31-11 (RP 10/24/10)
or use $1/1 Bayer Aspirin or Heart Health Advantage, exp. 10-31 (RP 8/1/10)
or use $2/1 Bayer AM, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 08/01/10)
or use $1.50/1 Bayer AM Product printable
Halls Defense 2/$3.00
Get $1.00 UPR wyb 2
use $1/2 Halls Drops, exp. 1-30-11 (ALL YOU Nov ‘10)
or use $1/2 Halls Cough Drops, exp. 11-6-10 (SS 10/10/10)
and use $0.50/1 Halls Cough Drops RA printable
or use $2/3 Various Brands – Gum, Candy or Halls, exp. 10-31 (SS 8/8/10)
or use $4/6 Various Brands – Gum, Candy or Halls, exp. 10-31 (SS 8/8/10)
Deal Idea:
Buy (2) Halls Defense $3.00
Get $1.00 UPR
use October $.50 Halls Video Values
use November $.50 Halls Video Values
use $1/2 Halls Cough Drops, exp. 11-6-10 (SS 10/10/10)
Free after coupons & UPR
Got2b Stylers $5.99 BOGO
use $2/1 Got2B Item RA printable (must watch by 10/23)
$2/1 Got2B Styling Product, exp. 11-30-10 (ALL YOU Fashion & Beauty)
$2/1 Got2B Styling Product, exp. 11-30-10 (ALL YOU Oct ‘10)
$1/1 got2b Product, exp. 12-01-10 (RP 08/01/10 #2)
Deal Idea:
Buy (2) Got2B Stylers $5.99
use $2/1 Got2B Item RA printable (must watch by 10/23)
use $2/1 Got2B Styling Product, exp. 11-30-10 (ALL YOU Oct ‘10)
use $1/1 got2b Product, exp. 12-01-10 (RP 08/01/10 #2)
2 Free after coupons
Carefree Pantiliners $.99
use $1/2 Carefree Product, exp. 11-30-10 (RP 09/26/10)
$.49 after coupon
Dial Hand Soap BOGO
use $1/1 Dial Hand Soap (Rite Aid Booklet)
and use $1/1 Dial Hand Soap (Rite Aid Booklet)
Scott Bath Tissues BOGO
use $1/1 Scott Bath Tissue RA printable

use $2.00 in ad coupon
use $3.00/1 printable coupon
Maybelline Cosmetics Buy One, Get One 50%
$1/1 Maybelline New York Mascara printable
$1/1 Maybelline New York Eyeshadow or Eye Liner printable
$1/1 Maybelline New York Mascara, exp. 11-15-10 (RP 10/10/10)
$1/1 Maybelline New York Eyeshadow or Liner, exp. 11-15 (RP 10/10/10)
$2/1 Maybelline Eye Studio Color Gleam Eye Trio RA printable
$2/1 Color Sensational Lipcolor Printable
$2/1 Maybelline Mousse Foundation, exp. 12-31 (ALL YOU Fashion)
Colgate Toothpaste BOGO
use $0.50/1 Colgate Kids Toothpaste, exp. 11-13-10 (SS 10/24/10)
or use$1/1 Select Colgate Total Items, exp. 10-30-10 (SS 10/10/10)
or use $1/1 Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, exp. 10-30-10 (SS 10/10/10)
or use $1/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 10-23-10 (SS 10/03/10)
or use $0.75/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 10-23-10 (SS 10/03/10)
Oscillococcinum BOGO
Get $2.00 UPR
use $3/1 Oscillococcinum Product RA printable (must watch video by 10/24)
and use (2) $2/1 Boiron Children’s Oscillococcinum printable
as low as free after UPR, Coupon & Video Values
ECO Tools Bath Item psa $3.99 BOGO
use (1) $2.00/1 in ad coupon
as low as $1.99 each after coupon
Nature Made Vitamins BOGO
$1/1 Nature Made Vitamins, exp. 1-30-11 (ALL YOU Nov ‘10)
$1/1 Nature Made Vitamin D Supplement printable
$1/1 Nature Made Vitamin C Supplement printable
$1/1 Nature Made Vitamin D Supplement printable
$2/1 Nature Made CoQ10 Supplement printable
$1/1 Nature Made Fish Oil Supplement printable
$1/1 Nature Made Vitamin C Supplement printable
$2/1 Nature Made Fish Oil, exp. 11-22-10 (ALL YOU Oct ‘10)
EPT Pregnancy Test $16.99
Get $3.00 UPR
$5/1 e.p.t Product, exp. 12-31-10 (SS 09/12/10)
$3/1 e.p.t. Product, exp. 12-31-10 (SS 09/12/10)
$3/1 e.p.t. Pregnancy Test printable
$3/1 e.p.t. Product, exp. 10-31-10 (ALL YOU Sept ‘10)
$3/1 e.p.t. Product, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 06/27/10)
$5/1 e.p.t. Product, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 06/27/10)
as low as $8.99 after coupon & UPR
L’Oreal Excellence $8.99
use $2.00 in ad coupon
Get $2.00 UPR
use $2/1 L’Oreal Excellence or To Go Shade, exp. 12-19-10 (RP 09/26/10)
$2.99 after coupons & UPR
Monistat $16.99
Get $2.00 UPR
use $3/1 Monistat 1-Day or 3-Day Product printable
$11.99 after coupon & UPR
Benevia $8.99 BOGO
use (2) $3/1 Benevia Nutrition Drink (RP 08/08/10)
$2.99 for two after coupons
Right Guard $3.79 BOGO
use $1.50/2 Right Guard or Dry Idea, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 08/15/10)
$1.15 each after coupon
Kellogg’s Cereals $1.99
$1/2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereal printable
$1/2 Kellogg’s Special K Cereal, exp. 10-24-10 (RP 09/12/10)
$1/2 Select Kellogg’s Cereals, exp. 10-24-10 (RP 09/12/10)
as low as $1.24 after coupon
Nature Valley Nut Clusters 2/$5.00
use (2) $1/1 Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters, exp. 11-6-10 (GM 09/12/10)
Get $1.00 UPR wyb 2
$1.00 each after coupon & UPR
Planters Nutrition 2/$5.00
use (2) $0.75/1 Planters Big Nut or Nut-rition Bars, exp. 10-24 (SS 08/22/10)
and use $0.50/1 Planters NUTrition (Rite Aid Booklet)
Get $1.00 UPR
$1.00 each after UPR & coupon
Planters Flavor Grove 2/$5.00
Get $1.00 UPR
use (2) $0.75/1 Planters Flavor Grove Nuts, exp. 10-31-10 (SS 08/29/10)
$1.25 after coupon & UPR
Wonderful Pistachios $2.99
Get $1.00 UPR
use $1/1 Wonderful Pistachios printable
$.99 each after UPR & Coupon
Quaker Instant Oatmeal $2.50
Get $1.00 UPR wyb 2
use (2) $2/1 Quaker Instant Oatmeal printable
Free after coupon & UPR
Jif & Smuckers Jelly $1.99
use $1.50 off Smuckers Fruit Spread AND Jif Peanut Butter (RP 8/8/10)
$1.24 each after coupon
Hormel Chili $1.25
use $0.50/1 Hormel Chili, exp. 11-08-10 (SS 09/12/10)
$.75 after coupon
Jacks Link Beef Jerky $2.99
Get $1.00 UPR
use $1/1 Jack Link’s Jerky or Nuggets, exp. 10-31-10 (ALL YOU July ‘10)
$.99 after coupon
Buy $25.00 worth of any advertised candy, get $10 UPR
$1/3 M&M’s Brand Fun Size Candies, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 10/10/10)
$1/3 Mars Bagged Candy Target printable
$1/2 Nestle Halloween Candy Fun Size, exp. 10-31 (RP 10/17/10)
$1/2 Wonka Halloween Fun Size Bag, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 10/17/10)
$2/1 Wonka Best on the Block printable
$1/2 Skittles, Starburst or Lifesavers Fun Size Bag printable
$1/2 Life Savers, Starburst or Skittles, exp. 11-13 (RP 10/10/10)
$1/1 Mentos Gum, exp. 11-30-10 (SS 10/03/10)
$0.75/1 Tic Tac Product, exp. 12-31-10 (RP 10/03/10)
$1/2 Select Werther’s Candies, exp. 12-31-10 (SS 10/03/10)
$1/1 Tic Tac One, exp. 12-3-10 (RP 10/03/10)
$1/1 Hershey Bliss Bagged Candy RA printable
$1/1 Kit Kat or Reese Snack Size Candy RA printable
B1G1 Select Mars Brand Candy Bars, exp. 10-31 (RP 9/26/10)
$1/2 M&Ms Chocolate Candy, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 08/29/10)
$1/2 M&Ms Peanut Chocolate Candy, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 08/29/10)
$0.50/2 Wonka Sluggles Gummies, exp. 12-31-10 (ALL YOU Oct ‘10)
$0.50/1 Select M&M’s, or Dove Autumn Candy, exp. 10-31 (RP 08/29/10)
$1/2 Select M&M’s or Dove Autumn Candy, exp. 10-31 (RP 8/29/10)
$4/6 Various Brands – Gum, Candy or Halls, exp. 10-31 (SS 8/8/10)
$2/3 Various Brands – Gum, Candy or Halls, exp. 10-31 (SS 8/8/10)

thanks For the Mommas!

michael's crafts 40% coupon good through 31st

make-your-own sale at michaels
 Food Lion this week - Food Lion's sales run wed-tues so these are only good today and tomorrow and tomorrow i'll post the next weeks deals. all in all not a great week for Food Lion but if you eat alot of pork or milk it could be worth stopping by. Food Lion does not double coupons and all prices are with a mvp card. if you don't have one it IS worth your time to get one because just the past month i was able to get general mills cereals for .70, nature valley granola bars for .85 a box and cheese and cream cheese for .25 or free at FL.

some coupon lingo that you'll see in my matchup posts:
BOGO- buy one get one 
SS- smart source coupon insert
RP- red plum coupon insert

Green Bell  Peppers $0.59 each
Russet Potatoes 5 lb bag BOGO
Yellow Peaches $1.29 lb
Chuck Roast $2.28 lb
Holly Farms Whole Cut Up Fryers $0.97 lb
Holly Farms Whole Fryers $0.77 lb

Nabisco Saltine Crackers $2
$1/2 coupon from 9/26 SS
$1/2 printable
Final Cost: $1.50 each wyb 2

Hunt's Pudding 4 pack $1
$0.75/2 coupon from 10/3 SS
Final cost: $0.62 each wyb 2

Buy 2 Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies or Sweet Moments and get $2 off Food Lion Gallon Milk
Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies $2.50
Pillsbury Sweet Moments $2.50
$0.75/1 coupon from 10/17 SS
$1/1 printable
$1/1 printable
Final Cost: as low as $1.50

Healthy Choice Dinners and Steamers $2.50
$1/1 coupon from October All You Magazine
$1/2 coupon from 10/17 SS
Final Cost: as low as $1.50

Silk Soy Milk 64 oz $2.99
$0.55/1 printable (goes straight to printing)
$0.55/1 coupon from 9/19 RP
Final Cost: $2.44

Chef Boyardee Pasta Microwave Bowls or Cans $1
$0.75/2 coupon from 10/3 SS
Final Cost: $0.62 each wyb 2

Snuggles Fabric Softener $3
$0.75/1 coupon from 9/26 RP
Final Cost: $2.25

here is a link to the sales  flyer
Food Lion sales flyer through 10/26

Sunday, October 24, 2010

two photo deals valued at $95 of free stuff!!

there are two incredible photo deals this week that would make great christmas presents or even a wonderful gift for yourself (you deserve it).

my favorite is the picaboo hardcover photobook that you can get for free through 10/25. just follow the link below and create a your book which retails for $39.99! then just pay shipping which ranges from 7.99 - 8.99 and the book is yours! use coupon code FALLBK to get this great deal! this offer is only for new accounts so if you already have an account with them maybe someone in your family wouldn't mind lending their information. this offer expires tomorrow night so hurry!

the second photo offer is a high quality photo canvas valued at $55!! you just pay shipping :)  whats really cool about this deal is that you can either receive a FREE 8x10 canvas or use that $55 credit towards a larger canvas. 
  • 8×10 – FREE
  • 11×11 – $8.99
  • 11×14 – $9.99
  • 16×16 – $23.99
  • 16×20 – $33.99
  • 18×24 – $43.99
these deals are worth your time!! don't miss out!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

i like it free :)

here are the free bamboo products i received from One Kings Lane. 
3 cutting boards
1 large bowl

i received these for free by signing up for a free account with One Kings Lane. this site is a discount site specializing in designer decor and home essentials at amazing 70% off prices! when you create a new account with them they give you a $15 credit to start you off and when you pair that with low prices you can very often get free items! shipping is $7.95 so as long as you order something for $7 or less its no money out of your pocket :) 
o ya - i like it free

referred by

update: this site no longer gives you a credit for new accounts. sorry! thanks lyn for keeping me current!

sunday coupon preveiw

here are some coupons i'm excited to see tomorrow :)

from the the smartsource insert
  • Birds Eye Steamfresh Lighty Sauced or While Grain Blends variety FREE wyb any (1) bag of Birds Eye Steamfresh Save up to $2.99 value (11/30)
  • Trident Layers single pack gum Save $1.00/2 (12/18)
and from the redplum insert
  • Axe 8.45oz, 12oz and 18oz Shower Gel Or Detailer B1G1 FREE value to Save $5.99 (12/19)
  • Wisk Laundry detergent any Save $2.00/1 (11/21)

for the complete list click here

 coming monday morning - coupon matchups for Food Lion, Walmart, Rite Aid, Dollar General, and possibly Farm Fresh.

free jewelry when you pay shipping

follow this link for free heart cut blue saphire earrings.

the earrings will ring up as $59.95.
then enter promotional code 0801 to reduce to $0!
simply pay shipping :)

follow this link for free large turquoise cross neckalace
add to cart. will show its $26.99. then on checkout page enter promotional code 0704 to reduce price to $0!
just pay shipping!!


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